Monday, June 02, 2008

AnimeNorth 2008!

Yeah, yeah, its been over a week now since it happened but whatever. Here are some of the highlights. I also took a few videos, so I might post them up later once I convert and throw 'em on Youtube.



Jinny Liang said...

You didn't visit me at my Artist Alley table!! D: D: D:!!!!

Christina Dee said...

omg what a GEEK FEST......yet I still wish I had been there T_T
it always comes at the worst time of year for me (and alot of us i'd imagine) soon after the school year ends and I'm completely broke! next year, next year for sure!

LOL @ Andrew hiding in the back of the Ouran cosplayers, they did a pretty good job.

Yuriy Sivers said...

dork overload.... :)))) Well it is a good reason to dress up.

Lettie Lo said...

omg its damian!! and yes i dun rmb seeing u :O

Andrew Manzanares said...

that haruhi chick was camel toe-ing like nuts......I LIIKE!