This year's comic con was a mixed bag of emotion. Didn't think that going all 3 days was going to be this taxing, but it was well worth it in the long run. There was a lot of great guests this year including J. Scott Campbell, Adam Hughes, Steve Mcniven, Ian van Schiver, Brian Bolland and Stephen Silver. Oh, and there was this gorgeous lady by the name of Laura Vandervoort. Now, if you don't know who that is then I suggest you google her this instant. For those of you who are lazy asses, she played Supergirl in the tv show Smallville. The unfortunate thing is that mr. random in the pictures didn't dissapear after wishing so. Very annoying.

Now, quite possibly the greatest appearance at the con was the man below. He's one of the comic book greats and arguably #1 at drawing sexy ladies. Not everyone gets to meet their heroes, but I sure as hell did. I present to you Mr. Jeff Scott Campbell himself...

All smiles in this one...


Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. Pretty good cosplays. If you're a fan of anime then this show is a must see asap. One of the best contemporary animes in every sense.

Yoko; one of the main characters in Gurren Lagann...

Self explanatory...

This was quite possibly the funniest image at the con...

There was also an MLG tournament for Halo 3 and Gears of War, but sadly I didn't take any pictures. You can check out the details
here . There might also be a new version of the Xbox 360 coming our way along with the next Gears of War. From the looks of things it might be a bundle pack with Gears of War 2 this coming November. And unlike the Halo 3 version of the 360, this one looks amazing. Its blood red with a black Gears of War 2 silhouette with various characters on it. The front also has the Gears of War logo silhouetted around the power button. Looks damn sweet. Again... should have taken pics, but didn't for whatever stupid reason. Look forward to it if you haven't bought a 360 yet.
And now for a well overdue dosage of sleep.
Looks like you had an awesome time at FanExpo! Kev and I picked up a J Scott Campbell sketchbook as well.. So good *__*.. and thanks for dropping by my table too this weekend =)!!!
I didn't see you either! The Expo was so much fun, burned a hole in my pocket though XD I wish I took more pictures and Andrew have the same pics lol..
Haha, yeah it was fun. Seeing Campbell there was definitely awesometastic! I didn't spend as much as I thought on the con itself. More then made up for it with eating out all weekend though. Bah! And yeah, andrew has the same pics coz I game them to him, XD.
Also, I'll post something artsy soon. Just don't hold your breath. Jks.
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